UI Components

Notifications UI Components


Before you can use these UI Components, RoqProvider needs to be installed.



The <NotificationBell/> component renders a bell symbol which informs the user about unread notifications. It opens the Notification Modal UI Component on click. Please refer to the notifications feature guide for more information and instructions.



The bell symbol can be integrated by adding this component to your application:

import {NotificationBell} from '@roq/ui-react';
function TopBar() {
    return (
type"all" or "unread"Controls the tab that is active by default"all"
modalOpenbooleanControls the state of the modalfalse
iconReactNodeUsed to replace the existing bell iconCurrent icon
onUnseenCountChangedfunctionCallback, fired when a new notification is received, or an existing one is readnull



The <NotificationModal/> component shows the user's notifications in real-time and also enables the user to configure the preferences. Please refer to the notifications feature guide for more information and instructions.

NotificationModal light


The notification modal component can be integrated with just one line of code. The component will open a socket connection to ROQ Platform to receive notifications events in real time. The list of notifcations is fetched using the notifications() API.

import {NotificationModal} from '@roq/ui-react';
function App() {
    return (
panel"notifications" or "preferences"Controls which view to show in the modal"notifications"
onClosefunctionCallback, fired when the modal is closednull